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We Fared Thee Well, Grateful Dead

We’re still glowing over here at Little Hippie in the wake of Fare Thee Well. There was a mention in the Wall Street Journal! And a rainbow! A double rainbow!

It’s been With Andy Bernstein, Headcount foundergreat to sift through the memories we so recently made and think about all the new life that will spring forth from our tribe coming together over the course of these amazing performances.

From Santa Clara to Chicago, it was an amazing ride. Thank you to everyone who made that possible! It was a tremendous experience to see the poster I designed being signed by all the members of the band, then see that same poster raise  $15,000 through a silent auction for charity on Participation Row.

I had so much fun seeing so many people at all the shows wearing my Megumu, Japanese Grateful Dead distributor, Marissa World Tradingstuff. People came from everywhere. Even our Japanese distributors made it! Did you know the Grateful Dead have a strong following in Japan? They do!

Special thanks to all our friends for stopping by the Little Hippie pop up shop in Chicago. What an amazing experience! It was so great to meet so many of you. We can’t wait do that again somewhere!

I’m excited to get out to this year’s Gathering of the Vibes July 30-August 2 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, my neck of the woods! Be sure to come by the booth and say hi!


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